This is a small article regarding a dematological condition called warts. I hope this article will clear your worries and doubts regarding warts. Hurry up!!
Rama is a teenager complained of small erruption over the sides of the face initially,then it became very hard and the skin around it started thickening.Then occasionally pain and itching started.As it was on face,she was very embarrassed.Her condition was diagnosed as warts.
Warts are typically small,rough,hard growths that are similar in colour to the rest of the skin.It is mostly seen in children and it is highly contagious.
It is caused by human papilloma virus which enters to body through minor cuts and break onthe skin and thus forms warts.
Found on fingers back of hand,knees and elbows.Appear as small, single, hard bump that is dome shaped.
Seen on souls of heel and toes of feet and it is pain wart.
Seen on shaved areas small,smooth, flattened.
A thread or finger like wart. Mostly seen in face especially near eyelids and lips
A wart seen on genital area.
Couliflower like clusters occurs around nails.
There are so many awesome medicine in homeopathy to treat this condition . After finding out the exact cause for the formation of warts we will give exact similimum(most suitable medicine).Our medicine boosts the power of body to react against this virus.we are treating without any external applications(lotions, ointment,cream).
1.Do not pick
2.Keep hands dry
3Never brush,comb, shave areas were warts are present because it can cause virus spread.
4.Wash hands thoroughly after touching any warts by soap or sanitizer.
5.Avoid biting finger nails
6.Wear sandals in common showers.
7.Dont share razors and towels
8.Dont walk barefoot.
for genital warts:
9.Abstaining from sexual contact.
10.Use condoms during sexual conact
11.Have asex only with a partner who is not hving sex with other people.
Hmoeopathy is the best treatment method available for warts.So get ready to get rid of your warts.
Dr.habeeba rahiman