This is a short article related with a common problem which comes in day to day life, it is nothing but CORNS. Here you get to know what is it, how it comes, how it feel, how to get rid of it, in just 5 minutes.
james is a farmer who works usually in the farm for hours barefooted, slowly started pain on his foot. Gradually the pain increased and one day he noticed a small lump in his foot.soon he consulted a doctor and diagnosed as corn.
Corns are annoying and painfully potential condition that forms thickened areas on the skin of foot and hand. Corn is thick and localized that usually has popular conical or circular shape. Corn neither is dangerous,but they can cause irritations.
They happens when the skin tries to protect an underlying area from the injury, pressure or rubbing. The repeated friction and pressure of the skin leads to thickening or hyperkeratosis.
Although corns are chronic, most of them gradually go away when the repeated friction or pressure causes them to be eliminated. sometimes it may complicated as ulceration or tenia pedis etc.
Dr sareena mariyam.k